What Are the Biggest Canadian Energy Companies?

Susan Kelly

Dec 31, 2023


The United States generates a significant portion of its Power. However, each day it does continue to bring in millions of barrels of oil and billions of cubic feet of natural gas from other countries. Oil imports from OPEC have increased by almost 45% over the previous year. Who exactly is OPEC? It includes Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Libya. Countries with standards that are open to debate and not traditional allies of the United States. In this article we will discuss the biggest Canadian energy companies.

There Is Another Solution: Canada.

Canada has more than enough oil and gas to satisfy the demand for imports from the United States. It's not far away. It's a friend in need. In addition to that, it is a trustworthy and responsible producer. Together, the United States and Canada can achieve greater energy independence and security for the continent of North America while acting more responsibly.

Enbridge, Inc.

Enbridge (ticker symbol: ENB) is a Canadian oil and gas infrastructure firm whose primary business is the pipeline transportation of crude oil and other hydrocarbons. Renewable energy is another area of emphasis for the organisation. 4 As of June 4, 2021, it had a market capitalization of 78.60 billion United States dollars, making it one of the largest firms in Canada. Its revenues were also relatively high.

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

The oil and gas exploration and production company known as Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ) is regarded as one of the largest such businesses in the world.

TC Energy

TC Energy is one of the most successful infrastructure companies in North America. More than 25 percent of the natural gas used daily in North America comes from this source. The company manages one of North America's largest natural gas pipeline networks, which spans more than 57,500 miles and has a robust portfolio of diverse assets, storage facilities, and power generation plants. TC Energy manages three different energy infrastructure businesses that are complementary to one another across three key regions in North America. Nuclear, natural gas, and wind energy are the three types of generation that may be distinguished among TC's assets. The United States of America, Canada, and Mexico make up its key regions. The corporation has access to the two natural gas supply basins that are the most productive in North America. TC Energy has been serving its customers for over 65 years and has earned a reputation for supplying energy in a secure and environmentally responsible manner.


It is the company that produces the most oil in all of Canada. The corporation is involved in all stages of the value chain, from the initial extraction of resources through their subsequent upgrading, refining, and selling as well as their midstream logistics. In addition, Suncor is in the business of trading energy and operating a company that deals in renewable energy. Suncor owns offshore assets in important strategic geographic locations such as the North Sea in the United Kingdom, the east coast of Canada, and Norway. In addition to owning 940 mbpd of oil production capacity, 550 mbpd of upgrading capacity, and 460 mbpd of refining capacity, the firm manages four refineries, an ethanol plant, wind farms, and over 1700 retail outlets in North America.

Ontario Power Generation

Most of the electricity used in the province of Ontario, Canada, comes from the facility known as Ontario Power Generation. More than 19,930 megawatts of electricity can be produced by the company thanks to the fossil fuel, nuclear, hydroelectric, and wind power plants that it owns and operates. The province owns the company. In addition to marketing electricity in the interconnected markets of Canada and the United States, Ontario Power sells wholesale Power to utilities and businesses in the province of Ontario, including Hydro One. It manages 65 hydroelectric generating stations, five thermal (fossil fuel) stations, three nuclear-generating stations, and two wind-generating stations. In addition, Ontario Power runs co-owned or leased facilities, including two nuclear stations and two gas-fired combined cycle units.

Cenovus Energy, Inc.

Additionally, the company has refining operations in the United States of America. 13 Over the past few years, Cenovus Energy's average natural gas production has decreased daily. This pattern started when they concentrated their capital investments on crude oil resources. As of June 4, 2021, the corporation's market capitalization was approximately 18.48 billion United States dollars. 14

Tourmaline Oil Corporation

The primary focus of Tourmaline Oil Corp.'s (TOU) business operations is the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. The year 2008 marked the beginning of the company, which went on to enjoy rapid expansion as more and more products were made. 15 Tourmaline, like many other companies on this list, has its headquarters in Calgary and conducts most of its business in. Western Canada. As of June 4, 2021, the market value of tourmaline oil was 8.94 billion United States dollars.


In 2019, Canada was home to the energy production industry that was the fifth largest in the world. Natural gas production in Canada is the fourth highest in the world, and the country is the sixth largest commodity exporter.

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